Sonntag, 26. August 2012

Urgent Action: Belo Monte muss die Rechte der Indigenen beachten!

Wie zu erwarten war, hat die Bundesstaatsanwaltschft (AGU) gegen die Baustopp-Verfügung am Freitag (14.8.) beim Bundesgerichtshof TRF-1 Einspruch erhoben. Die Entscheidung über die Zukunft von Belo Monte muss nun Minister Carlos Ayres Britto treffen. Er steht aber unter großem Druck der Regierung und seine Objektivität ist deshalb fraglich.

Plattform Belo Monte unterstützt die Urgent Action von International Rivers, die Minister Britto auffordert, sich nicht dem Druck der Regierung zu beugen, sondern die Rechte der Indigenen zu wahren und Anhörungen der von Belo Monte Betroffenen zu fordern.

International Rivers, 24.8.2012
Respect the rights of indigenous peoples threatened by Belo Monte!

On the afternoon of Friday August 24, the Brazilian Attorney General's Office (AGU) representing President Dilma Rousseff filed a complaint with Chief Justice Carlos Ayres Britto of the Federal Supreme Court, demanding that he overturn the historic August 14th decision by a regional federal court (TRF-1) that suspended the Belo Monte Dam due to a lack of prior consultations with affected indigenous peoples.

Based on unfounded arguments, Attorney General Luis Inácio Lucena Adams is attempting to convince Chief Justice Ayres Britto to ignore indigenous rights guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution and ILO Convention 169, to which Brazil is part. The complaint is part of a systematic pattern of attempts by the Rousseff administration to intervene in the judiciary in order to continue fast-tracking the construction of Belo Monte and other mega-projects in the Amazon.

Minister Ayres Britto and fellow Supreme Court judges are under intense pressure from the Rousseff administration to allow construction of Belo Monte to proceed at any cost. We can’t let this happen. It’s critical that concerned citizens from Brazil and around the world voice their concerns to Chief Justice Ayres Britto that he uphold the decision of the TRF-1, in recognition of indigenous people’s rights regarding Belo Monte as determined by the country's constitution and ILO Convention 169.

Xingu Vivo, 24 de agosto de 2012
Ação urgente: Ayres Britto: mantenha a decisão do TRF-1 sobre Belo Monte!
Abra seu e-mail AGORA e encaminhe esta mensagem ao ministro Ayres Britto (